Cathedral of St Michael and St George
The Cathedral Church of St Michael and St George serves as the Roman Catholic cathedral for the Bishopric of the Forces. Located on Queens Avenue in Aldershot, England, the building was originally intended to be the principal church for the Anglican chaplaincies of the British Army but since 1973 it has been the seat of the Roman Catholic Bishop of the Forces.

Mass Times
Sunday Mass - 1100hrs
Wednesday Mass - 12 noon preceded by Midday Prayer at 1145hrs
Mass on Solemnities is at 12 noon and Masses on Holy Days of Obligation are at 12 noon and 1900hrs
All Masses are available on Zoom.
Details of Masses and all other services/events may be found on the most recent newsletter.

Chrism Mass
12:00 WEDNESDAY 16th April 2025 Cathedral of St Michael and St George Aldershot The annual Chrism Mass brings together the bishop, priests, deacons and lay people of the Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force to celebrate the blessing of the oils of catechumens, chrism and the sick. The chaplains will renew their priestly vows and commitment in front of the people.
Further details can be found by making enquiries on:
01252 348234 or

Cathedral Community
A message from Father Nick on Remembrance Sunday 2024
A parishioner's daughter and her choir singing a specially commissioned piece for Remembrance-tide 2020.
Cathedral Contact
The Very Revd Nicholas Gosnell SRN BTh(Hons) MA(Ed) MA(CL)
Vicar General of the Bishopric and Cathedral Dean
St Michael's House,
Queens Avenue, Aldershot, Hampshire. GU11 2BY.
Tel: 01252 315042 Mob: 07775 237099
If you wish to read more about the history of our Cathedral please click here