Royal Navy


Principal Roman Catholic Chaplain
Welcome to the Royal Navy section of the Bishopric website where hopefully you will get a flavour of what life is like for our serving Catholic laity and clergy. The Royal Navy is distinct in the way that its chaplains minister to its people, devoid as we are of structured rank. Instead we use the convention that the rank of chaplain ‘floats’ to match the rank of whoever the chaplain is talking to, thus ensuring that the conversation happens between equals. It’s a convention that the Senior Service has used for centuries and it has served us well, allowing Sailors and Royal Marines to use the familiar term ‘Bish’ when addressing their chaplain.
The Gospels are awash with events that happen on, or close to, the sea. As catholic priests, serving in this challenging but hugely rewarding environment, we seek to make the Gospel of Christ real to our men and women so that they are supported morally, spiritually and emotionally as they serve our great maritime nation. And our catholic serving personnel respond with great enthusiasm and faith.
For our chaplains this is a specialist ministry. Our naval ‘parish’ is diverse, young and enthusiastic. As well as serving their country our people also face the challenges of everyday life. We are here to be with them on that journey, to celebrate the sacraments with them, to pray with them and to encourage them in their faith. It would give us great comfort to know that you, whoever you are and wherever you may be, are praying for us too, perhaps using the final verse of the naval hymn:
O Trinity of love and power! Our brethren’s shield in danger’s hour;From rock and tempest, fire and foe,Protect them wheresoe’er they go;Thus evermore shall rise to TheeGlad hymns of praise from land and sea.
Finally, if you would like to know more about catholic life in the Royal Navy please feel free to get in touch either with me directly or via our Pastoral Assistant Ian Crabtree Ian.crabtree277@mod.gov.uk
Ian also looks after sacramental preparation, religious and social events. If you would like to be added to our database and receive updates about IMP Lourdes, HCPT etc please let him know.
Click here to find out about becoming a Catholic Chaplain in the Armed Forces.
Naval Catholic Community News
Naval Catholic Community News
For the latest News see the News page
Future Events
Annual Naval Mass
Sunday 14th July at 1000 in St John's Cathedral, Portsmouth
Sunday 20th July at 1000 in Cathedral Church of St Mary & St Boniface, Plymouth
Welcome to our Catholic Community
Aoife Elara Hobby
baptised on 15 July 2023 in St Ann's Church, HM Naval Base, Portsmouth, by Fr Peter Stoddart RN
Emily Rose McDonough and Olivia Grace McDonough
baptised on 2 April 2023 in St Ann's Church, HM Naval Base, Portsmouth, by Dcn John Cumpsty (OCM)
Jasper Patrick Thomas Cotgreave
baptised on 22 October 2022 in Holy Trinity Chapel,
HMS Sultan, Gosport, by Fr Rob Carey RN
Philip William Flood
baptised on 22 October 2022 in HMS VICTORY, HM Naval Base, Portsmouth, by Fr David Conroy KHC EV RN
Zachary Andrew John Durbin
baptised on 1 October 2022 in HMS DUNCAN, HM Naval Base, Portsmouth, by Fr Rob Carey RN
Alexander Dakin
baptised on 13 August 2022 in Church of St George with St Gabriel, HMS Collingwood, Fareham,
by Fr David Conroy QHC EV RN
Mr Edward Sheldon and Lt Lauren Davies RN
who were married in St Joseph's Church, Havant, Hampshire,
on 6 August 2022 by Fr Joe Gruszkiewicz, Parish Priest
Principal Roman Catholic Chaplain
Rev Robert Matau RN Britannia Royal Naval College, College Way
Reverend Victor Dakwan RN (Ogoja)
Reverend Thomas Bakulumpagi RN (Southwark)
Reverend Charles Miller RN (Birmingham)
Reverend Philip Carroll RN (Portsmouth)
Reverend Jude Okorie RN (Aba)
Reverend Rob Carey RN (Birmingham)
Reverend Sam Burke OP RN (Dominican Friars)
Reverend Peter Stoddart RN (Hexham and Newcastle)
Reverend Daniel Hernandez RN (Gibraltar)
Officiating Chaplains to the Military (OCM)
Reverend Jean-Patrice Coulon
Reverend Deacon John Cumpsty
Reverend David Gamble
Reverend John Humphreys
Reverend Michael Maloney
Reverend Mgr Bartholomew Nannery
Reverend Deacon Philip Waites
Pastoral Assistant
Commander Ian Crabtree KSG RN (Rtd)
Naval Chaplaincy Service Headquarters
Very Reverend David Conroy KHC EV RN
Deputy Chaplain of the Fleet
NCS Headquarters,
Tanner Building, HMS Excellent,
Portsmouth, Hampshire
Surface Flotilla
Reverend Jude Okorie RN
c/o HMNB Portsmouth Chaplaincy
Reverend Peter Stoddart RN
c/o HMNB Portsmouth Chaplaincy
Reverend Victor Dakwan RN
E: Victor.Dakwan100@mod.gov.uk
c/o HMNB Devonport Chaplaincy
Reverend Sam Burke OP RN
c/o HMNB Devonport Chaplaincy
Reverend Rob Carey RN
c/o HMNB Devonport Chaplaincy
HM Naval Base Clyde
OCM: Reverend Michael Maloney
E: Michael.Maloney102@mod.gov.uk
The Chaplaincy, HMS Neptune,
HMNB Clyde, Faslane, Helensburgh,
Argyll & Bute, Scotland
G84 8HL
T: 01436 674321 Ext 8266
HM Naval Base Devonport
Reverend Charles Miller RN
E. charles.miller982@mod.gov.uk
OCM: Reverend Mgr Bartholomew Nannery
The Chaplaincy, Fisher Block,
HMS Drake, HMNB Devonport,
T: 01752 555931
HM Naval Base Portsmouth
OCM: Reverend John Humphreys
OCM: Reverend Deacon John Cumpsty
The Chaplaincy, Rodney Block,
HMS Nelson, Queen Street,
Portsmouth, Hampshire
T: 02392 723000
Britannia Royal Naval College
Reverend Robert Matau RN
The Chaplaincy, BRNC,
College Way, Dartmouth, Devon,
T: 01803 677021
Commando Logistics Regiment Royal Marines
OCM: Reverend Deacon Philip Waites
The Chaplaincy, CDO LOG REGT RM,
Chivenor, Barnstaple, Devon
EX31 4AZ
T: 01271 879344
Commando Training Centre Royal Marines
Reverend Philip Carroll RN
E: Philip.Carroll112@mod.gov.uk
The Chaplaincy, CTCRM,
Lympstone, Exmouth, Devon
T: 01392 414178
HMS Collingwood
Commander Ian Crabtree KSG RN (rtd)
The Chaplaincy. HMS Collingwood,
Newgate Lane, Fareham, Hampshire
PO14 1AS
T: 01329 335277
HMS Eaglet
OCM: Reverend David Gamble
The Chaplaincy, HMS Eaglet,
RNHQ Merseyside,
East Brunswick Dock, Liverpool
L3 4DZ
T: 0151 929 2149
HMS Raleigh
Reverend Thomas Bakulumpagi RN
E. Thomas.Bakulumpagi100@mod.gov.uk
The Chaplaincy, HMS Raleigh,
Torpoint, Cornwall
PL11 2PD
T: 01752 811225
RN Air Station Yeovilton
OCM: Reverend Jean-Patrice Coulon
The Chaplaincy HMS Heron, RNAS Yeovilton,
Yeovil, Somerset
BA22 8HT
(Served from The Holy Ghost Church,
The Avenue, Yeovil, Somerset BA21 4AR)
T: 01935 423549
HQBF Gibraltar
Reverend Danny Hernandez RN
E: Daniel.Hernandez830@mod.gov.uk
Command Chaplain, The King’s Chapel,
Main Street, Gibraltar
T: 00350 2005 5414